Sunday, November 2, 2014

Terminator costume..... I'll be back

For Halloween this year my son wanted to dress up as the Terminator. Yes, my 9 year old loves Terminator movies thanks to my husband introducing them to him.
So I went on a search through Pinterest and Youtube to figure out how to make this costume come alive. There are some really great "how to create a cyborg costume" on youtube that helped me figure out what I wanted to do.  I bought some face paint, fake blood and grabbed my tacky glue and went to work.
I ordered a cyborg prosthetic from amazon that said it was kid size but it was more like adult so I cut it down to size and used sprit gum to adhere it to his face. Then I used Tacky Glue around the edges to seal it and to make it look like torn skin.  On his hand I used the tacky glue to outline the opening and then used grey, black and white face paint to create the inside of the hand. I did the same thing on the other side of his face. Then I dabbed fake blood all around the glue.

For the finishing touches I took a pair of 80's style sunglasses and a red finger laser light and attached the laser light to the side of the glasses with sticky back velcro.  I found a jacket in his size on amazon and bought a toy shot gun.  A little spike of the hair and we were done!
Off he went to trick or treat.  All the grown ups knew exactly who he was, his friends had no clue!   The best part was he would knock on a door and when someone would open it he would say, " I'm looking for Sara Conner" and then after getting his treat he would say, " I'll be back" It was too funny!  
I wonder what he will have me create for him next year?  I guess it will all depend on what old movies my husband will be showing him next!
Hope everyone had a fun Hallowen!

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Lesa B.